Boozy duo stopped after hit and run offence

Two pals face traffic charges after forcing police into a wild street chase following a hit and run crash.Officials in the city of Salzburg said today (Weds) a 21-year-old drink driver called up his friend after steering into two parked cars last night.The 24-year-old – who was also found to be over the legal limit – agreed to pick up his friend from the accident site. A witness called police after seeing the young men observing the damage at the parked vehicles before speeding off in the 24-year-old man’s car.The duo were stopped in the town of Koppl outside the city following a high speed chase after they failed to pull over when asked to by traffic police.Both men had to hand over their driving licences and now face further charges as prosecutors have started dealing with the case.The incident comes as traffic safety pressure groups have upped their pressure for stricter rules and tougher fines for offenders after a Belgian motorcyclist doing 177 kilometres per hour (kph) in a 50 kph zone in Carinthia was allowed to continue his ride after paying 1,000 Euros.