BMW almost 120 kph over speed limit

Police in Burgenland are investigating against a driver from Hungary for doing more than 200 kilometres per hour (kph).Officials in Oberwart said today (Mon) the BMW was caught travelling at 218 kph near Schachendorf by a radar trap on a 100 kph limit main road yesterday. Austrian police have already contacted their colleagues in bordering Hungary for assistance in tracking down the offender.The speeding driver must brace himself for a fine and a driving ban in Austria.The Austrian interior ministry, which is in charge of the police, recently said that 4.16 million speeding offences were registered last year, up by 0.6 per cent compared to 2009.The ministry also said that 548 people lost their lives in traffic accidents across the country 2010 – fewer than ever before since the registration of fatalities started in 1950.