Austrian has fourth-highest per capita GDP in EU


Austria has made the top five in a spending power survey among European Union (EU) member states.Eurostat, the European Commission’s (EC) statistics authority, announced today (Weds) that Austria has the fourth-highest per capita gross domestic product (GDP) among the EU’s 27 member countries with 124 per cent.Luxembourg came first in the survey with 271 per […]

OeNB ups economic outlook


The Austrian National Bank (OeNB) said today (Fri) it expected the Austrian economy to grow by 2.1 per cent year on year.OeNB announced only in June that the country’s economy could improve by 1.8 per cent in 2011 compared to this year.The bank’s latest estimation is also more optimistic than recent predictions by Austria’s leading […]

European building sector not out of recession yet, claims Swietelsky


The recession still has the European construction sector in its grip, a leading building company has warned.Linz-based Swietelsky, Austria’s fifth-biggest construction firm, said today (Tues) that it would give a “careful” outlook due to the “insecure situation” in the Eurozone. The term describes the 16 European Union (EU) members which use the Euro as their […]

Right-wing outcry over foreign ski instructors

General News

A right-wing newspaper has expressed concerns over safety on the slopes and wage dumping as more and more ski instructors on pistes in the Austrian Alps are foreigners.The market-leading Kronen Zeitung, which sells almost three million copies a day, cites an unnamed critic, who claims that foreign ski instructors can be found “standing around on […]

Slovenian president backs Turkish EU bid


Slovenian President Danilo Türk has appealed to European Union (EU) leaders to speed up accession talks with Turkey.The former United Nations (UN) assistant secretary-general said today (Weds): “I’m totally in favour of Turkey becoming a member of the EU. The negotiations have been going on way too slowly.”Türk told Austrian daily Kurier that prejudices towards […]

Austria blocks monthly Greece aid


Austria has not yet given the green light to transfer its December rate to fellow European Union (EU) member Greece, it has emerged.People’s Party (ÖVP) leader and Finance Minister Josef Pröll announced today (Tues): “Statistics give no reason to hand over the money from an Austrian point of view.”Pröll argued that figures have shown that […]

Cutting EU subsidies would be counterproductive, warns Hahn


European Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn has appealed to colleagues to “think three times” before slashing subsidies for the European Union’s (EU) weaker economies.The People’s Party (ÖVP) politician said today (Thurs): “The EU’s regional policy measures are an important aspect in creating growth. That’s why it would be counter productive to cut subsidies – […]

Austrian industry’s turnover up


Turnover of Austria’s productive sector improved by more than seven per cent year on year in July, it has been reported.Statistik Austria said today (Fri) the companies in the country’s industrial and construction branch rose by 7.7 per cent to 19.3 billion Euros.The sector’s metal production department did best. The sector’s monthly turnover soared by […]

Austria to close embassies


People’s Party (ÖVP) Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger said he has been “forced” into closing some Austrian embassies due to cutbacks ordered by his ministry for the coming years.The minister said today (Mon): “I have not got any other option than closing some embassies.”Spindelegger refused to reveal how many Austrian representations abroad will be shut and […]

High Austrian activity in ‘business-friendly’ Turkey


Around 150 Austrian companies are currently doing business in Turkey, according to the Austrian Trade Commissioner in Istanbul.Marco Garcia said today (Fri) major companies like oil and gas firm OMV, Bank Austria (BA) and electricity provider Verbund have been active in the country.He added Austria was currently the eighth biggest investor in Turkey which, according […]