SPÖ wants to see more gay and lesbian teachers


Gay and lesbian teachers have been a taboo in schools up to now. The SPÖ wants to change this. At the regional party conference, they decided about a legal proposal in order to support these teachers. The Social democrats demand more “sexual variety” in the teacher education. Education plans and training materials would have to […]

Austrian with Turkish origins rejected by gym


The case of a Turkish immigrant, who was rejected by a gym in Götzis in the Western Austrian state of Vorarlberg is now discussed by politicians. The Green Party demands the establishment of a regional advice centre. “It is unbelievable that a young man with Turkish origins was denied membership at a gym due to […]

Romanian patients spend most for treatment in Austria

General News

Romanians are paying the most money to private clinics in Vienna than any other Europeans. More and more Romanians are now heading to Austria for medical treatment and are reportedly now spending more on health care here than any other Europeans. That was the claim made at a health fair in Bucharest where it was […]

ÖVP against ÖBB privatisation


Three months ago ÖVP Finance Minister Fekter wanted to sell the Federal Railways (ÖBB), now the ÖVP is pedalling back. The Wirtschaftsblatt newspaper cited ÖVP spokesperson for traffic affairs, Martin Bartenstein, today (Fri) as saying: “The ÖBB and privatisation is like the devil and the holy water.” He added that privatisation could not even be […]