Disagreement over planned animal graveyard

General News

Concerns have been voiced in Kreisbach bei Wilhelmsburg about a planned animal graveyard at Castle Kreisbach. The man in charge of establishing the graveyard wants to give animals a proper burial as a service to pet lovers, but locals believe that the graveyard might be too unsettling for tourists heading to the castle. But officials […]

Private university application withdrawn


A new private university in Vorarlberg on the location of the former cheesemaking firm Rupp in Lochau may now not go ahead. The reason is a disagreement between the project managers and the local council. The disagreement is so serious that the project managers have now withdrawn their request for approval of the University back […]

Call to reduce IVF after high premature birth rate

General News

A leading doctor has called for carrying out fewer in vitro fertilisations (IVFs) over Austria’s high rate of premature births.Angelika Berger of Vienna’s Medical University said today (Tues) that 11.1 per cent of births in Austria occur before the 37th week of pregnancy, significantly higher then the European average of seven per cent.Berger pointed out […]

Schmied shamed by spending spree revelation


Social Democratic (SPÖ) Education Minister Claudia Schmied is in hot water for splashing out more than 350,000 Euros on ads in a Viennese tabloid in less than two years.A parliamentary request by Freedom Party (FPÖ) MP Walter Rosenkranz forced the education ministry to announce that it had spent 365,271.56 Euros on “information campaigns” in free […]