AUA ex-staff demanding 50m in pension cash


Around 200 former pilots and flight staff from the Austrian Airlines AUA  are  threatening legal action in order to get their share of the company’s pension fund paid out in advance. Unless the firm agrees to settle it is looking likely that the first legal case over the demand will take place in February. According […]

Incoming IHS boss says pension age must rise


The designated chief of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) has called for an increase of the retirement age. Christian Keuschnigg, who is set to succeed Bernhard Felderer as head of the renowned research group next month, said such a measure would not cause an unacceptable amount of pressure on the Austrian social systems. Keuschnigg […]

Higher pension age ‘does not cause rise in joblessness’


An economist has dismissed claims that a higher pension age means more unemployment. Former Institute for Economic Research (WIFO) chief Helmut Kramer said yesterday (Thurs) it was nothing but a “myth” that the number of young people out of work will rise if the average retirement age increases. “There is no connection between a later […]

Leitl denies ‘bullying businesses’ claim


The president of the Austrian Economy Chamber (WKO) has rejected accusations that companies are bullying elderly employees. Conservative Pensioners’ Union chief Andreas Khol claimed that many of the people who retired before having reached the regular pension age might have been “bullied” by their employers. Khol said he agreed with Karl Blecha, who heads the […]

Harassing firms must pay, pensioners say


Austria’s pensioners have called on the government to introduce laws which would up the pressure on “bullying” companies. Andreas Khol, who heads the country’s Association of Conservative Pensioners, said: “Firms which bully employees and force them to retire prior to the regular pension age should be obliged to come up for the costs the state […]

Eight in 10 say no to significant pension age hike


A vast majority of Austrians object to ideas of a drastic pension age increase. Only 16 per cent think that the regular retirement age should be 70, public opinion research group Karmasin said. The agency interviewed 500 Austrians for magazine profil. Karmasin found that 81 per cent of Austrians were against proposed increases of the […]

Mikl-Leitner denies lack of reforms


Johanna Mikl-Leitner has defended the government’s disputed pension system agenda. The interior minister dismissed accusations that the recently presented budget consolidation agreement featured too many open questions. Mikl-Leitner told Die Presse that substantial structural reforms would be achieved if the average retirement age rises from the current 58 to 61 or 62 in 2020. The […]

Woman declared dead after mum dies

General News

An elderly woman lamenting her mother’s death has been pronounced dead herself by bungling pension officials.Retired restaurant boss Edda S. revealed she stopped receiving payments from her public pension agency after the recent death of her mother at the age of 88. The 66-year-old Carinthian – who ran an eatery at the Ossiacher Lake – […]

Labour minister dismisses pension age rise call


Social Democratic (SPÖ) Labour Minister Rudolf Hundstorfer has strongly challenged pension age appeals by European Union (EU) Commissioner László Andor.Hungarian economist Andor – the EU’s Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion – said yesterday (Weds) EU member states must increase the age their citizens retired to avoid a breakdown of the social system.Think tanks […]