German couple face jail over frozen fish for their kids

General News

German dad Alexander Donninger and his wife Stefanie are facing jail after they were accused of poaching when they hung a deep frozen fish on their children’s fishing line to give them a bit of fun while on holiday in the Austrian Tyrol. The couple were with their twins Enya and Arthur aged seven and […]

Yamaha biker does 300 kph

General News

A motorcyclist will have to do without a licence for months after being caught going 300 kilometres per hour (kph). The 30-year-old was stopped by a traffic policeman after a radar trap positioned on the A1 western motorway near Sattledt revealed his offence yesterday afternoon (Weds). The man, whose 23-year-old girlfriend was his pillion passenger, […]

German killed while freeskiing

General News

A German skier has died after leaving maintained slopes in Tyrol.The 48-year-old man crashed on a rocky hill which had no path after he decided to leave prepared pistes in the Karwendel mountain range in the western province of Tyrol yesterday (Sun).The man was airlifted to a clinic after other skiers discovered him lying on […]

Police hunt hit and run tractor driver

General News

Authorities are looking for a tractor driver after a hit and run offence in Braunau, Upper Austria, this weekend.A 49-year-old cyclist sustained serious injuries when he was hit by the tractor in an overtaking manoeuvre on Saturday night. The unidentified driver failed to stop after the incident.Meanwhile, a 72-year-old Graz resident was arrested for beating […]