Viennese school ordered to remove crucifix


A primary school in Vienna removed the crosses from all classes. The mother of a pupil found that it was religious paternalism as less than half of the pupils were registered as Christians. According to the initiative “Religion is a private matter”, several similar complaints exist at a special registration office. It is expected that […]

Fine dust health check appeal issued

General News

A pulmonary specialist has highlighted high fine dust rates’ negative effects on humans’ physical condition. Sylvia Hartl told the Salzburger Nachrichten newspaper today (Thurs) physically robust people would have less difficulties coping with the situation in eastern Austria’s industrial areas like Graz and Vienna these days. However, the expert warned that those who felt burning […]

Power cut affects 1,800 Viennese homes

General News

Hundreds of households in Vienna were left without electricity for several hours yesterday morning (Thurs).Shortly after the power outage kicked off, energy provider Wien Energie said the reason was unclear and a matter for investigation.Around 1,800 homes, offices and shops in Vienna-Währing were affected by the disruption.

Political scientist says Rosenkranz bid will not harm Austria’s reputation


The candidacy of Barbara Rosenkranz in the upcoming presidential elections will not damage Austria’s reputation abroad, a top political scientist has said.Salzburg-based Reinhard Heinisch, who lived and lectured in the United States for many years, said yesterday (Sun): “Austria is a relatively small and unimportant country. It is a problem Austria is getting linked with […]

Lower speed limit reduces fine-dust pollution

Green Austria

By William GreenLowering motorway speed limits will cut pollution, a new study has claimed.A speed limit of 100 kilometres an hour on motorways significantly reduces fine-dust pollution, a study by Graz Technical University has concluded.The newspapers Kleine Zeitung and Kronen Zeitung reported today (Thurs) that the study had shown that periods of lower speed limits […]