Tchibo-Eduscho ‘side sales’ prosper


Tchibo-Eduscho, a leading coffee shop company, is making half of its profit with non-food goods, it has been revealed.The German-Austrian company – which runs 140 shops in Austria – said today (Fri) half of its overall turnover is generated by sales of jewellery, household products and clothes it is offering for limited time spans throughout […]

Pensioner chained by burglar

General News

A Styrian pensioner was beaten and chained up by a robber yesterday (Thurs), police in St. Margarethen an der Raab have said.The 75-year-old woman was in the bathroom of her house when a masked man suddenly appeared. The criminal, who did not say a word during the whole break-in, punched the woman in the face […]

Jewellery robbery suspect nabbed on football pitch

General News

A man accused of being behind a robbery in Austria has been arrested on a soccer ground in Romania.Marius Crasmaru was detained as he played football with friends in Botosani, northern Romania.The 22-year-old Romanian is suspected of stealing a unique bracelet made of 74 diamonds and other trinkets worth more than 23,000 Euros altogether from […]

Burglar bags cash as tenant takes a nap

General News

Cash and jewellery have been stolen from a flat in Linz while its tenant was fast asleep in the same room, it has been reported.Police in Upper Austria announced today (Weds) that the unidentified intruder, who is being sought, apparently entered the apartment by breaking down the front door.The criminal nicked around 450 Euros and […]