Algerian accused of crimes in Germany faces extradition

General News

A 36-year-old Algerian will be extradited to Germany, officials in Upper Austria announced today (Fri). The man was caught after a break-in. Police in the Austrian province explained they decided to hand him over to colleagues in neighbouring Germany after finding out they had issued an international arrest warrant on him. The African is accused […]

Feared crime gang collared

General News

Police in Vienna have cracked a group of boys and young men accused of crimes in five districts.Officials announced today (Fri) the 23 youths aged between 13 and 20 are suspected of dozens of break-ins, thefts and bodily harm offences in the districts of Innere Stadt, Mariahilf, Neubau, Meidling and Liesing. The alleged criminals were […]

Pensioner chained by burglar

General News

A Styrian pensioner was beaten and chained up by a robber yesterday (Thurs), police in St. Margarethen an der Raab have said.The 75-year-old woman was in the bathroom of her house when a masked man suddenly appeared. The criminal, who did not say a word during the whole break-in, punched the woman in the face […]

Kitzbühel jeweller hit by €250,000 heist

General News

Watches worth a quarter of a million Euros were stolen from a jeweller in a spectacular break-in on Christmas Day (Saturday), police said today (Mon).The unidentified criminals made off with 25 watches worth an overall 250,000 Euros in the break-in at a shop in the town centre of Kitzbühel, a posh Tyrolean ski resort.The burglary […]

Chilean guilty of 56 break-ins in two months

General News

A 28-year-old Chilean man broke into at least 56 apartments in Vienna-Donaustadt and Vienna-Floridsdorf between November 2009 and January 2010, police said today (Fri).Police arrested Humberto A. on 12 January after a passerby saw him enter an apartment from its balcony and called them.Police said the break-ins had resulted in damage amounting to 300,000 Euros.