Revival for rightist Hofburg Palace bash


The Freedom Party (FPÖ) has been given the all-clear to host a ball at Hofburg Palace next year. The right-wing faction headed by Heinz-Christian Strache has been accused of failing to disassociate from right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis for decades. Several FPÖ parliament members (MPs) and high-ranking representatives of the party as well as spearheads of […]

FPÖ ball all-clear angers NGOs


Refugee charity organisations and anti-fascism groups are infuriated by news that a right-wing movement may host a ball at the presidential office next year. Freedom Party (FPÖ) Vienna whip Johann Gudenus said today (Tues) that managers of Hofburg Palace granted his faction’s application to organise a ball at the venue in 2013. Hofburg Palace is […]

Police accused of ignoring neo-Nazi attack

General News

Viennese police officers are facing jail over failing to help a retired politician after he was assaulted by a right-wing mob. Albrecht Konecny, the former head of the Social Democrats’ (SPÖ) delegation in the federal council (Bundesrat), said a group of policemen were watching on as he was beaten up on his way home from […]

‘Nanny’ Fran Drescher to attend Vienna cancer fundraiser


American actress Fran Drescher (“The Nanny”) will attend the 10 April cancer fund-raising gala “Dancer against Cancer” at the Vienna Hofburg, it was announced today (Weds).Drescher, who attended the 2009 Life Ball in Vienna, will arrive in Vienna on 9 April and attend a cocktail party that evening. It is not known how long she […]