Terror crackdown over Reichstag attack plot


A new anti-terror draft bill presented by the People’s Party (ÖVP) has sparked mixed reactions among opposition factions. Johanna Mikl-Leitner, the ÖVP’s new interior minister, announced yesterday (Weds) she agreed with ÖVP Justice Minister Beatrix Karl that people who incite others to carry out terrorist acts should go to jail. The interior minister explained the […]

Special police unit arrests rioting drinker

General News

A special police squad had to be called out to save a waitress from an angry drinker.The 31-year-old man started to throw with bottles when the employee at the pub in Vienna-Hernals refused to serve him any more drinks last night (Sun).The woman called police claiming the rioter also pointed a gun at her. Officers […]

Austrian tourist handed €37,000 mobile roaming bill

General News

An Austrian woman on holiday in Croatia received a 37,000-Euro mobile phone bill from Mobilkom Austria for internet roaming charges.The 37-year-old used her smartphone to browse the internet while in Croatia, using 15 gigabytes during her four-week long vacation, according to a Croatian Times report from today (Thurs).Mobilkom Austria reportedly helped its client by wiping […]

Authorities quarrel over Nazi criminal’s health bills

General News

Austrian authorities are at odds over the health bill of an alleged World War Two criminal.Josias Kumpf was extradited aged 84 to Austria from the United States in April 2009. The Austrian-born man is accused of being involved in the shooting of 8,000 Jewish women, men and children while working as a guard at Trawniki […]

Vienna red ribbon kiss action announced


Thousands of kissing people will form a giant red ribbon at a the courtyard of Vienna’s Belvedere castle to make aware of the dangers of AIDS and HIV on 21 July.Agnes Husslein-Arco, director of the city’s Belvedere gallery, said yesterday (Mon) the first 1,000 people getting signed up to take part in the “Kiss at […]

Blink-182 to rock Austria


Reunited punk rock stars Blink-182 are set to perform in Austria later this year, it has emerged.Organisers of the “Two Days A Week” festival, taking place on 3 and 4 September in Wiesen, Burgenland, said today (Fri) the Californian trio will head the bill at the event while further acts will be confirmed shortly.The band, […]