Vienna University to charge students again


Legal wrangles between students and Vienna University are possible as Austria’s biggest higher education institution decided to reintroduce tuition fees. The university’s senate opted for a comeback of the charges for the upcoming winter semester. The panel debated the issue yesterday (Thurs) following an appeal by the university’s board. The decision means that students coming […]

Austrian universities flop in global study

General News

No Austrian university has made the new Times Higher Education Ranking. Vienna University, Austria’s biggest higher education institution, was the only Austrian university listed last year. It was part of the group of universities placed between 91st and 100th in the Times Higher Education Ranking of 2011. The study includes detailed information on the world’s […]

Hundstorfer suggests to double truancy penalty


Social Democratic (SPÖ) Labour and Social Affairs Minister Rudolf Hundstorfer has said the fines for breaches of education regulations might rise. Hundstorfer said before the meeting of government ministers yesterday (Tues) that he could imagine to support an increase of the maximum penalty from 220 Euros to twice this amount. The labour minister once more […]

ÖH attacks minister as tuition fees dispute intensifies


The Austrian Students’ Union (ÖH) has accused Science Minister Karlheinz Töchterle of refusing to face the facts. ÖH officials said yesterday (Mon) the member of the People’s Party’s (ÖVP) team of ministers “must accept reality” and ensure public subsidies of the 21 state-funded universities of Austria. ÖH leaders made the science minister aware of a […]

Salzburg SPÖ says students should be charged


Salzburg’s Social Democrats (SPÖ) have made their appeal for tuition fees official. The provincial branch of the SPÖ supported a draft bill created by the conservative People’s Party (ÖVP) yesterday (Weds). SPÖ and ÖVP plan to finalise their concept for an appeal to the federal government coalition next week. This decision could intensify the ongoing […]

Karl pledges faith effort


New People’s Party (ÖVP) Justice Minister Beatrix Karl has said she wants to win back people’s faith in the country’s juridical system.A majority of 55 per cent of Austrians told research group Karmasin in January that they put less trust in the juridical system now than one year ago.Karl was sworn in yesterday (Thurs). The […]

Vienna Uni ranks near bottom in global top 100


The debate over whether the government spends enough on higher education is set to intensify after just one Austrian university made the top 100 in a global ranking.Vienna University was listed in the group of institutions placed between 91st and 100th in the 2011 Times Higher Education Ranking. The study provides detailed data for the […]