Warm weather lowers jobless rate


The latest labour statistic has dished up good and bad news for Austria’s lawmakers and employees. Around 360,500 people had no job last month, according to Statistik Austria. The agency said yesterday (Mon) this was a decline of 0.8 per cent compared to December 2010. It pointed out that the number of people sitting re-education […]

Darabos defends fighter jets


Defence Minister Norbert Darabos has hit back after a fellow Social Democrat (SPÖ) suggested to sell Austria’s Eurofighter jet fleet. SPÖ General Secretary Günther Kräuter said on Sunday Austria could get rid of its 15 fighter aircraft due to non-existent war concerns. Kräuter argued the alpine country was under higher financial and economic risk these […]

Austrians brace for harsh health reform


The People’s Party (ÖVP) wants to drastically reduce Austria’s health sector spending. ÖVP whip Karlheinz Kopf said yesterday (Thurs) he was currently trying to convince the Social Democrats’ (SPÖ) debt brake negotiators that there was a savings potential of 1.8 billion Euros until 2017. SPÖ Health Minister Alois Stöger remained tight-lipped regarding details of the […]

Raidl says income tax must drop


Austrian National Bank (OeNB) President Claus Raidl has called on the government to lower taxes on labour. Raidl told Die Pressr today (Weds) the taxation burden on labour must decline. He called Austria’s income tax system as “insane”. International organisations like the OECD, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the International Monetary Fund […]

Austria keeps top rating


Moody’s has confirmed Austria’s credit rating. The influential rating agency said on Friday it decided not to lower the country’s rating from the best-possible grade of AAA. Moody’s added that it did not touch the Austrian economy’s outlook either. The rating agency explained Austria’s economy was doing well thanks to its muscular export industry. Moody’s […]

Strache security punches party-goer


Freedom Party (FPÖ) boss Heinz-Christian Strache is in hot water after a bodyguard put a man into hospital last weekend. One of Strache’s three personal security guards attacked another guest of a club in Vienna-Favoriten on Saturday night. The man – understood to be an internationally successful banker – threw a ham roll and ice […]

Civil servants are angered, Graz mayor warns


Graz Mayor Siegfried Nagl has said he understands the “anger” of Styrian public servants. Civil servants working for the province of Styria and its capital Graz were informed their salaries would not rise next year despite agreement on federal political level that wages should be increased by 2.95 per cent. Social Democratic (SPÖ) Minister for […]

Moser warns against ‘risking our kids’ future’


The head of the Federal Audit Office (RH) has appealed to political leaders to avoid “gambling away the future of our children”. Josef Moser provided the government coalition and the parliament’s opposition factions with a list of 599 suggestions where the country could become more efficient as lawmakers keep arguing over how to slash the […]

Placebo worries tarnish debt limit talks


Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) boss Josef Bucher has labelled the government’s debt limit bill a “placebo brake” as chances for an accord between the coalition and one of the parliament’s three opposition parties are decreasing. The right-winger said today (Thurs) he was willing to fight for an agreement until Monday but also […]

Downgrade a ‘disaster for the whole country’


People’s Party (ÖVP) Vice Chancellor Michael Spindelegger has warned it would be a “disaster” if Austria lost its AAA credit rating. Austria’s soundness is currently given the best-possible rating by the world’s leading credit rating agencies, Moody’s, Standard & Poors (S&P) and Fitch. Economist Bernhard Felderer recently warned that they could downgrade their outlook for […]