Nagl will new ice sport centre for Special Olympics


Mayor of Graz Siegfried Nagl from the ÖVP is supporting the bid for a new Ice Skating Hall in Graz and hopes it can attract federal funding. The planned ice centre would be for the Special Olympics which take place in 2017 in Graz. Under the motto ‘Heartbeat for the World” around 3000 sports people […]

Graz coalition collapses


People’s Party (ÖVP) Graz Mayor Siegfried Nagl has ended his faction’s partnership with the Greens. Nagl announced yesterday (Weds) that the Graz delegation of the ÖVP would not cooperate with the Greens after next year’s city parliament election regardless of the outcome. He criticised the Graz Greens for being unreliable when it comes to working […]

Civil servants are angered, Graz mayor warns


Graz Mayor Siegfried Nagl has said he understands the “anger” of Styrian public servants. Civil servants working for the province of Styria and its capital Graz were informed their salaries would not rise next year despite agreement on federal political level that wages should be increased by 2.95 per cent. Social Democratic (SPÖ) Minister for […]