Catholic sceptics get Swiss accolade

General News

A critical Catholic movement from Austria has received a renowned award in Switzerland. The Austrian Preachers’ Initiative – which consists of 400 preachers – was decorated with this year’s Herbert Haag Prize. The presentation took place in the city of Lucerne. Hans Küng, one of Europe’s best-known critics of the Vatican, lauded the Austrian movement […]

Kothgasser to retire

General News

Alois Kothgasser, the archbishop of the Diocese of Salzburg, has decided to apply for retirement. Kothgasser announced yesterday (Weds) that he informed Pope Benedict XVI. about his wish in a letter. Kothgasser, 75, added he hoped for a private conversation with the Pope to discuss who could succeed him. A decision is expected for autumn. […]

Preachers’ Initiative head happy about Pope’s reaction

General News

The head of the Austrian Preachers’ Initiative has reacted positively to the Pope’s criticism. Pope Benedict XVI. said in his Maunday Thursday sermon held in Italian in the Vatican that disobedience was no solution. The Pope mentioned a “group of priests from a country in Europe” without directly referring to Helmut Schüller or his movement. […]

Kapellari fears clerical split

General News

An end to the feud between the Austrian Church’s leaders and a “disobedient” group of preachers seems out of reach. Graz Diocese Bishop Egon Kapellari warned from a splitting of the country’s Catholic Church if the Preachers’ Initiative failed to stop its activities. Kapellari appealed on the association of parish priests – which was established […]