Nissan recalls more than 3,000 cars


More than 3,000 Nissan drivers have been affected by a massive recall by the Japanese car maker, it has emerged.The company said today (Thurs) it contacted 3,283 owners in Austria as part of its call-back of around 2.1 million models worldwide. Fears that an electronic device could cause a sudden outage of the vehicles’ engines […]

Virus claims more than 100 bunnies

General News

Dozens of rabbits have died within weeks in a Lower Austrian town, it has emerged.Holger Herbrüggen, a vet responsible for the province’s Wien-Umgebung district, announced today (Tues) that more than 100 could have passed away in Klosterneuburg during the past few weeks as the town is struck by myxomatosis.The expert stressed it was impossible to […]

Boy survives Rottweiler playground attack

General News

A two-year-old boy is in hospital after being mauled by a Rottweiler on a playground in Lower Austria yesterday (Thurs).Sebastian was climbing on a rocking horse when the five-year-old dog Dino attacked, biting him on the backside.The Rottweiler – which already injured a girl three years ago – was crossing the playground in Ternitz with […]

Caravan thieves return dog

General News

Remorseful thieves returned an Austrian family’s pet dog after making off with their caravan, it has emerged.Corinna G. from Baden, Lower Austria, said today (Fri) she had driven to the Italian city of Pisa earlier this week after being informed that family canine “Micky” had been found leashed to a fence at the campsite where […]

Library to pay for stolen Jewish books

General News

The Austrian National Library said it would pay 135,000 euros (164,000 dollars) for thousands of books in its possession that were taken by the Nazis from Jews during World War II.In a symbolic gesture, library director Johanna Rachinger handed over the books to the Austrian National Fund for the Victims of National Socialism at a […]

Casinos Austria wants stronger gambling controls


By David Rogers Casinos Austria chief Karl Stoss has called for stronger controls on gambling.Stoss said yesterday (Mon) he wanted checks on uncontrolled growth of small gambling machines and highlighted that only 8,000 of the 18,000 to 20,000 such machines in Austria were actually legal since they were in the four provinces, Vienna, Lower Austria, […]