Fighting Dogs Repackaged As Elderly Carers

General News

Politicians in Austria where animal shelters are overflowing with so-called dangerous dogs are mulling over plans to put the fighting dogs into OAP care homes in a bid to rehabilitate the animals. The ‘Animals as Therapy’ group in want pit bulls and Staffordshire Terriers to be trained as therapy dogs, which could then become companions […]

Linz Kindergarten plan for language works, claim


Linz deputy mayor Klaus Luger (SPÖ) says a policy of targetting kids with language difficulties which he prioneered in local kindergartens has been vindicated by a German report. According to the new study by the Berlin-Institute for Population and Development, carefully targetted language initiatives in Kindergartens bring the greatest results in advancing the language ability […]

Additional mandatory kindergarten year planned


Many small children in Austria could soon be ordered to attend kindergartens for two years, the government coalition has said. People’s Party (ÖVP) Integration Issues State Secretary Sebastian Kurz suggested yesterday (Weds) to expand the current mandatory one-year kindergarten scheme to reduce the risk of many kids fall behind at school due to poor language […]