Belgian €300,000 hotel room dodger nabbed

General News

A Belgian who stayed in some of the best Austrian hotels without paying has been caught in Italy.Police in the Austrian province of Tyrol announced today (Weds) the man, 49, was arrested while having dinner at a posh restaurant in San Remo yesterday.Austrian officials informed authorities in neighbouring countries after the man amassed unpaid hotel […]

Vienna woman ‘spent last holiday in Italy’ after fake bag fine

General News

A Viennese woman has warned this year’s holiday was her last in Italy after she was fined for buying a fake designer handbag.Ursula C. was slapped a 1,000-Euro fine after she admitted having paid seven Euros for a forged Luis Vuitton bag offered by a vender at the beach of Adriatic hotspot Jesolo last week.The […]

Russian saved trying to cross Alps on foot

General News

A Russian man who tried crossing the Alps on foot into Italy on Saturday was saved by a rescue helicopter, police said.Local residents notified police after seeing the 35-year-old Russian battling through heavy snowfall on the Timmelsjoch high-Alpine highway, which is closed for the winter.The man, who did not have a passport and visa, was […]