Denying Greece support ‘dangerous’, Pröll warns


People’s Party (ÖVP) Vice Chancellor Josef Pröll has warned of “dangerous developments” as European Union (EU) member states have backed out of the previously agreed upon support package for Greece.Speaking about the Czech Republic’s and Slovakia’s decision not to contribute to the 110-billion-Euro rescue bid agreed upon last May, he said today (Thurs): “Neighbouring countries […]

Grasser says Greece rescue was ‘worst decision’


Former Freedom Party (FPÖ) Finance Minister Karl-Heinz Grasser has branded the rescue plan for ailing Greece the “biggest mistake of the European Monetary Union”.Grasser said in a newspaper interview today (Tues) he would have forced the economically struggling country to leave the Eurozone. This term describes the 16 European Union (EU) member states which have […]

BZÖ attacks government for helping ‘money sink’ Greece


Austrian opposition politicians have criticised the government for deciding to financially support “money sink” Greece.Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) boss Josef Bucher said in parliament yesterday (Weds): “European leaders have failed. They have now agreed to assist ‘money sink’ Greece while not mentioning anything about a tax on risky financial speculations.”Bucher claimed the […]

Austrian banks ‘will not flee Greece’


The chiefs of Austria’s biggest banks ensured they would not reduce investments in financially struggling Greece.Raiffeisenzentralbank (RZB) boss Walter Rothensteiner said after a meeting with the heads of Austria’s other four major banks and People’s Party (ÖVP) Finance Minister: “We will not speculate against Greece, and we won’t reduce our investments in the country.”Austrian banks […]

Pröll wants banks on board in helping Greece


Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) Finance Minister Josef Pröll has said he is planning to get banks on board to help financially struggling Greece.Pröll said yesterday evening (Sun) he would speak with the heads of Austria’s main banks about whether they could imagine getting involved in the international subsidisation plan for the financially struggling European Union […]

OeNB chief welcomes EU’s Greece agreement


Austrian National Bank (OeNB) Governor Ewald Nowotny said the rescue plan agreement “defused” the situation of cash-strapped Greece.Nowotny met with Austrian President Heinz Fischer today (Tues) to inform him about recent developments on the Austrian and European financial market.The OeNB boss said afterwards, referring to the rescue plan European Union (EU) leaders had agreed about […]