Trichet visits Viennese gallery


Jean-Claude Trichet visited a museum in Vienna, it has been revealed. Albertina director Klaus Albrecht Schröder told the magazine News that the banker spent two hours at the museum some days ago. “We did not want to make a big fuss about it,” Schröder said about the visit of Trichet. The Frenchman retires as head […]

15 Artists for 15 Wines


Fifteen Austrian artists came together at the Dominikanerbastei in Vienna this week as part of a unique new project where they are being exhibited together and promoted by the Klasan Advertising Agency. The agency is located at the site of the former Bleich-Rossi gallery  in the city’s poshest district that was snapped up last year […]

World record price for rare camera


An Asian collector has splashed out more than 1.3 million Euros for a rare Leica in an auction in Vienna, making it the most expensive camera in the world.Organisers of the auction, held at Vienna’s Westlicht gallery ( on Saturday, said the Leica no. 7 from 1932 was sold for 1.32 million Euros. They said […]

Diverse exhibits on in Vienna


Current exhibitions at museums in Vienna provide a fascinating insight into a wide spectrum of areas, from medals of the Royal Habsburg Family to photographic portraits of celebrated writers.On show at the city’s Museum of Art (Kunsthistorisches Museum, KHM; at the moment are 250 medals from the Roman-German empire and leaders of the Austrian-Hungarian […]

World Press Photo exhibit returns to Vienna


The world’s best press photographs are now on display at a Viennese gallery.The Galerie Westlicht in Vienna-Neubau is the Austrian location for the World Press Photo exhibit for a ninth year in a row. More than 18,000 people attended the last year’s World Press Photo exhibition at the gallery. Around 170 selected images are on […]