Girl hit by car in Vienna

General News

A 10-year-old kid had a lucky escape as she got away with just a few bruises when a car knocked her down in Vienna. The girl crossed the street at a pedestrian crossing against red yesterday afternoon (Weds), officials in the district of Margareten said today. She suffered serious bruises when a car – driven […]

Hiker hospitalised after cow attack

General News

A woman from Germany suffered serious injuries when a group of holidaymakers were attacked by a herd of cows. The 10-member group of vacationers told police they tried to walk past the heifers on a pasture near St. Nikolai in Styria’s Liezen district when the cows pounced on them yesterday (Weds). The tourists claimed they […]

Kids get away unharmed as mum crashes into fusebox

General News

Two children had a narrow escape after the car steered by their mother ploughed into a roadside switchbox yesterday (Weds).The kids, aged one week and four years, suffered just a few bruises in the crash near Dienten, Salzburg, while their mother had to be hospitalised with cervical vertebra injuries.Police in the province’s Pongau region said […]

Kicking cow hospitalises farmer

General News

An elderly farmer suffered a fractured lower leg as a cow kicked her during milking this morning (Mon).The woman, 64, from Gradnitz in Lower Austria was transferred to a clinic in Zwettl after her husband and son heard her screams while working in the kitchen.It was the latest in a series of incidents involving farm […]

Karl Schranz suffers ski tour accident


Skiing legend Karl Schranz has been hospitalised after suffering a severe concussion and bruises on a ski tour in Tyrol yesterday, it was confirmed today (Thurs).A spokesman at Zams clinic said newspaper reports that the 71-year-old was hospitalised yesterday after an accident near Sankt Anton am Arlberg were correct.Schranz told the Tiroler Tageszeitung newspaper today: […]