Boozed-up teen falls off balcony

General News

A young holidaymaker suffered serious injuries when he plunged off a balcony. The 18-year-old was carried into his first-floor hotel room in St. Kanzian, Carinthia, at the end of a boozy night in town in the early hours of today (Weds). An employee of the resort called an ambulance when he found the unconscious teenager […]

Pensioner robbed while taking a leak

General News

An elderly man was robbed while answering the call of nature on a public square in Vienna this morning (Fri).The 69-year-old stopped to urinate in Favoriten district after a boozy night out when he was hit on the head from behind.The attacker – who is being sought – fled with the pensioner’s wallet.

Hotel room mix-up brawl puts skier in clinic

General News

A German holidaymaker ended up in hospital after a confusion over hotel rooms turned into a fistfight.The injured man, 48, was part of a group of three tourists partying in a hotel suite in the Tyrolean ski resort of Ischgl last night (Thurs/Fri).The pals’ boozy get-together was interfered by another German. The man, who just […]