Boozed-up teen falls off balcony

A young holidaymaker suffered serious injuries when he plunged off a balcony.

The 18-year-old was carried into his first-floor hotel room in St. Kanzian, Carinthia, at the end of a boozy night in town in the early hours of today (Weds). An employee of the resort called an ambulance when he found the unconscious teenager in the inner courtyard.

It is unclear why the young man from Upper Austria plummeted over the balcony railings. His friends told police he was fast asleep when they put him to bed before going to sleep themselves in their own rooms.

The 18-year-old man sustained multiple fractures and internal injuries in the fall. He is recovering in a hospital in Klagenfurt, the provincial capital of Carinthia. His condition is understood not to be life-threatening.