Cheap back to school equipment at „carla“

General News

Children from disadvantaged families have the opportunity to get back to school equipment at cheaper prices. At the Vienna Caritas Charity division ‘Carla’ school equipment is being sold at cheaper prices to families with financial difficulties. A recent survey by the Chamber of Labour found that the average cost of back to school equipment including […]

Official jailed for passing on drugs to sister

General News

A juridical official has been sentenced to prison for providing his addicted sister with confiscated drugs.Gerhard Z. was given a four-year jail term, while his sister Eva N. was sentenced to three years behind bars at court in Korneuburg, Lower Austria, yesterday (Thurs).The former Vienna Criminal Court deputy chief was suspended when he was caught […]

German police arrest Austrian over drug stash

General News

An Austrian travelling on a coach from London to Budapest has been put in custody in Germany after police discovered drugs in his luggage.Officials in Deggendorf in the German state of Bavaria announced today (Mon) that the 25-year-old man from Linz in Upper Austria was on a coach connecting the capitals of Great Britain and […]

Body discovered in Vienna forest

General News

A severely decayed corpse was discovered in a wood in north-eastern Vienna yesterday morning (Mon).Police in the city’s Donaustadt district announced today they have asked for an autopsy of the male body which was found by a hiker in woodlands.A spokesman explained the putrid corpse was discovered lying under rubbish bags, adding that it could […]

Diverse exhibits on in Vienna


Current exhibitions at museums in Vienna provide a fascinating insight into a wide spectrum of areas, from medals of the Royal Habsburg Family to photographic portraits of celebrated writers.On show at the city’s Museum of Art (Kunsthistorisches Museum, KHM; at the moment are 250 medals from the Roman-German empire and leaders of the Austrian-Hungarian […]

Most Austrians want plastic bags banned

General News

The  vast majority of Austrians would support a ban on plastic bags, according to a poll.Viennese researcher Karmasin found that 73 per cent of Austrians would back such a law, while only 24 per cent rejected the suggestion. The agency said the number of supporters of a ban on the ecologically harmful bags seems to […]