State saves another bank from bankruptcy


The Austrian government has decided to partly nationalise one of the country’s biggest banks. Negotiators – including People’s Party (ÖVP) Finance Minister Maria Fekter and Social Democratic (SPÖ) State Secretary Andreas Schieder – announced yesterday evening (Mon) that the state would increase the small share it was currently holding in Volksbank AG (ÖVAG) to 49 […]

Russian banking top dog about to grab VBI


A Russian institute has got one step closer to acquiring the international branch of one of Austria’s biggest banks. Bosses of Volksbank AG (ÖVAG) and Moscow-based Sberbank signed a declaration of intent about a takeover of Volksbank International (VBI) yesterday (Thurs). The teams of negotiators refused to reveal an envisaged takeover price. Business newspapers claim […]

VBI sale ‘to take place this month’


A powerful Russian bank may acquire a majority stake in Volksbank International (VBI), the ailing affiliate of Volksbank AG (ÖVAG). VBI, which manages ÖVAG’s operations in Eastern Europe (EE), had 5,362 employees in 547 branches in Romania, Slovakia and six other countries. It sustained a loss of 22.37 million Euros in 2010. Sberbank has hinted […]

Sberbank envisages VBI stake


A leading Russian bank may take over struggling Volksbank AG’s (ÖVAG) international operations department.Russian business newspaper Vedomosti reports today (Weds) that Moscow-based Sberbank was in the final stage of negotiations with ÖVAG about the acquisition of a 51 per cent interest in VBI (Volksbank International). The daily cites sources close to Sberbank’s top management saying […]

Raiffeisen’s Romanian engagement prospers


Raiffeisen Bank International’s (RBI) Romanian affiliate has managed to increase its profit by more than 10 per cent.RBI said today (Weds) its department in the Eastern European (EE) country achieved profits of 83 million Euros in 2010, up by 12 per cent in a year.The Viennese institute – which handles the international operations of Raiffeisenzentralbank […]

RZB boss denies VBI takeover aim


Raiffeisenzentralbank (RZB) chief Walter Rothensteiner has ruled out being interested in the acquisition of two struggling competitors.Rothensteiner told the Kurier newspaper today (Mon) that RZB had no intentions to approach Hypo Group Alpe Adria (HGAA) and Volksbank AG (ÖVAG about a takeover or a cooperation.The banker argued there would be “no sense” in acquiring HGAA […]

ÖVAG manages turnaround


Volksbank AG (ÖVAG) boss Gerald Wenzel has said his bank has achieved a turnaround after some difficult years.ÖVAG suffered losses of 1.123 billion Euros after taxes last year. Wenzel announced today (Mon) the institute achieved a net turnover of 56.6 million Euros in the first nine months of this year.Wenzel said he expected ÖVAG to […]

Volksbank boss rules out nationalisation over 2009 losses


Volksbank bosses have denied reports the bank faces nationalisation as losses soared dramatically last year.Volksbank AG (ÖVAG) chief Gerald Wenzel said the search for a strategic partner was ongoing in the bank’s bid to pay back the millions of state aid it received over the past few months to get through the economic crisis.Wenzel refused […]