Injured Austrian soldier to be flown home from Kosovo

General News

A soldier from Upper Austria who was seriously injured whilst on operation in Kosovo is to be flown home today (Weds). The KFOR (Kosovo Force) troops came under attack from Serbians in northern Kosovo during a demonstration on Monday afternoon. Boxed in by road blocks the soldiers, who were from Austria and Germany, were pelted […]

Fake policeman beats up two men in Vienna

General News

Police have arrested a boozed-up man who claimed to be a police officer. The 53-year-old told two newspaper deliverymen he was a member of the Viennese police unit before he started attacking them physically yesterday (Tues). The slightly injured men followed the drunken offender to his flat when he tried to escape after the incident […]

Cobra to counsel Polish police over Euro2012

General News

A special Austrian police unit will assist their Polish counterparts in getting ready for a major sports event.Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) Interior Minister Maria Fekter announced today (Fri) that a team of Cobra unit officers will meet with special police forces in Poland later this year to discuss security measures for next year’s European Football […]

Farmer set to serve jail term commits suicide

General News

A Carinthian farmer shot himself dead instead of starting a 200-day prison term, it has emerged.The Oberlienz resident left his farm on foot yesterday (Tues) shortly before a special Cobra police unit surrounded the estate to pick him up after he failed to turn up at Villach prison.He was due to spend 200 days behind […]