Istria – the undiscovered Croatian gem


By Kathryn Quinn Many holiday plans start with an argument: She wants to lie idly by the pool and bake in the sun, he wants to do something more active – even if it is only sampling the local beer. Istria, a little known region by the Adriatic Sea, is the perfect solution to this […]

Child porn doc caught

General News

An Upper Austrian doctor is accused of having molested a young patient. The man was arrested yesterday (Weds), local officials said today. They explained investigators became active after having received tip-offs accusing the medic of sexual abuse. Prosecutors in Wels announced that the general practitioner was accused of having produced pornographic images of children for […]

Bounty promised after cat shot

General News

An animal rights organisation has issued a reward for decisive tip-offs after a kitten was murdered.The animal had to be put down due to its serious injuries. It was shot with some kind of weapon on Sunday or Monday, police in the Vorarlberg city of Bregenz said today (Fri).Now Vier Pfoten, an internationally operating non-government […]

Drugs stashed under hat

General News

A German man has been put in custody after police found out he possessed drugs – hidden under his hat.Officials in Schlitters, Tyrol, said today (Mon) the 19-year-old was put in custody after officers discovered 1.5 grams of marijuana in a small compartment weaved into the inside of his old-fashioned slouch hat on Saturday evening.The […]

Rare geese nicked from farm

General News

Police in Lower Austria are investigating after two priceless geese were stolen.Officials in Kernhof near Lilienfeld said today (Mon) a farmer reported the loss of the two Red-breasted Geese this morning.A spokesman for local police said: “The farmer told us the geese were worth several hundreds of Euros each. They are a very rare vagrant.”Meanwhile, […]