ÖBB ticket prices could climb


Federal Railways (ÖBB) tickets could be more expensive later this year. ÖBB CEO Christian Kern refused to rule out price hikes yesterday (Thurs). Kern pointed out that ÖBB did not up passenger tickets in the past four years. “We are not a charity organisation,” he said. Kern underlined that a further improvement of services was […]

ÖBB awaits €33bn


The Austrian government coalition has decided to inject more than 30 billion Euros into Federal Railways (ÖBB). Werner Faymann’s Social Democrats (SPÖ) and the team of People’s Party (ÖVP) ministers agreed yesterday (Weds) to support the railway company with 33 billion Euros. The money will be invested in the coming years. The subsidisation is supposed […]

Train travel less popular, study shows


Austrians took the train less often last year, new figures reveal. The Austrian Traffic Club (VCÖ) announced today (Fri) that residents of the Alpine country covered 1,270 kilometres (km) by train in 2010, down from 1,297 km in the year before. This figure puts Austrians into a leading position in Europe. Only people living in […]

ÖBB names new RCA chiefs


Bosses of struggling Federal Railways (ÖBB) have appointed two new heads for loss-making affiliated firm Rail Cargo Austria (RCA).ÖBB CEO Christian Kern decided in November to remove RCA co-chiefs Friedrich Macher and Günther Riessland from executive power as the company’s debts stopped soaring.Kern explained at that time that Macher and Riessland will keep working for […]

ÖBB head promises ticket price freeze


Federal Railways (ÖBB) boss Christian Kern has ruled out tickets becoming more expensive.”Ticket prices should not rise this year. We can save money in passenger services and our infrastructure elsewhere,” he told weekly magazine profil.Asked why he recently called for a 400-million-Euro injection by the state for the debt-ridden company, Kern explained he wanted to […]

Road cargo volume may rise as RCA ups rates


Tons of cargo could be taken off the rails and transported on Austrian roads as cash-strapped Federal Railways (ÖBB) have raised their fees.ÖBB’s cargo transport subsidiary company Rail Cargo Austria (RCA) decided recently to increase rates by around 30 per cent in a bid to get back in the black. ÖBB head Christian Kern said […]

ÖBB’s MAV Cargo changes name


Austrian Federal Railway (ÖBB) subsidiary MAV Cargo is changing its name to Rail Cargo Hungaria, it was announced yesterday (Thurs).ÖBB’s freight division Rail Cargo Austria (RCA) acquired MAV Cargo in 2008.RCA chief Friedrich Macher said: “Rail Cargo Hungaria will play an important role in combined traffic in southeastern European countries and strengthen RCA in the […]