ÖVP programme reform planned


A new concept by People’s Party (ÖVP) State Secretary Sebastian Kurz will become part of the party’s programme, it has been announced. Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger, who took over from ex-Finance Minister Josef Pröll as ÖVP chairman in 2011, said yesterday (Weds) that the integration secretary’s democracy paper would be considered “step by step”. Kurz […]

Job concerns as wood firm goes bust


Dozens of employees fear losing their jobs as a Carinthian wood industry business filed for bankruptcy.St. Veit an der Glan-based Vito asked a court in Klagenfurt to start controlled insolvency procedures today (Tues), according to the Creditors’ Protection Association of 1870 (KSV). KSV said Vito’s debts range around 5.2 million Euros. The association also announced […]

Football fans beat up policemen

General News

Two people were arrested for attacking police officers after a top-flight football match.Martina G., 22, and 30-year-old Stefan M. turned violent against policemen assigned to ensure smooth procedures at the Bundesliga thriller between 32-time title winners Rapid Vienna and defending champions Red Bull Salzburg (RBS) at the Gerhard Hanappi Stadium in Vienna-Penzing on Sunday afternoon […]

Court official accused of passing on seized drugs

General News

A juridical official has been put in custody for providing his sister with confiscated drugs.Officials in Vienna said today (Tues) the man was arrested and suspended as deputy head of the city’s Criminal Court. Internal investigations were started after several kilograms of seized cocaine disappeared in recent months. The main suspect is accused of having […]