AUA under pressure as pilots quit


The number of pilots and stewardesses leaving Austrian Airlines (AUA) because of the upcoming pay cuts is on the rise. The works council announced yesterday (Tues) that 110 pilots and 200 stewards and stewardesses quit in the past weeks. They did so to evade the enforced salary cuts, according to staff representatives. Final figures for […]

Pay cuts scare off AUA pilots


Dozens of pilots have left Austrian Airlines (AUA) in the past weeks, according to the loss-making carrier’s works committee. Staff representatives said 80 pilots and 170 stewards and stewardesses decided to quit in the recent weeks due to the upcoming contract reform. AUA bosses plan to introduce a new form of contract in July. The […]

AUA rules out Whitsun travel chaos


The current conflict with the works committee does not negatively affect Austrian Airlines’ (AUA) booking figures, according to a spokesman. AUA announced yesterday (Tues) that reservations and passenger numbers were on the rise despite the continuing dispute with pilots and cabin crew. The works council is fighting the planned salary cut of 25 per cent. […]

No end to AUA argument


Austrian Airlines (AUA) keep up the fight against the executive board’s plans to cut their incomes. AUA CEO Jaan Albrecht wants to introduce a new contract for the 600 pilots of the struggling carrier. The salary reform would mean a 25 per cent reduction of pilots’ wages. The new contracts would resemble the ones Tyrolean […]

AUA turnaround unlikely despite austerity accord


Austrian Airlines (AUA) is not expected to make it into the black this year despite the recent agreement between bosses and works council chiefs. The struggling airline’s executive board agreed with works committee leaders to cut pilots’ wages by 25 per cent on average soon. The AUA pilots’ representatives managed to avoid an enforced change […]

AUA works committee accepts cutbacks


The works council of Austrian Airlines (AUA) has given the all-clear to planned wage cuts. Works committee leaders informed the airline’s 1,500 pilots, stewards and stewardesses yesterday evening (Tues) that they decided to say yes to the salary reform. AUA bosses planned to force the carrier’s pilots to work under contracts similar to those of […]

AUA accord possible despite contract reform


Austrian Airlines (AUA) chiefs and works committee officials are fighting for a consensual solution regarding the planned austerity measures. Lufthansa, which owns AUA since 2009, wants the Viennese aviation company to achieve savings of 220 million Euros this year following last year’s losses of almost 60 million Euros. The AUA supervisory board decided last week […]

AUA supervisory board finalises contract correction


Austrian Airlines (AUA) head Jaan Albrecht has promised that customers will not be negatively affected by the firm’s contract reform. The supervisory board of the loss-making carrier decided yesterday (Thurs) to annul the contracts of all pilots and cabin crew employees. AUA bosses hope to save 45 million Euros a year that way. Unionists and […]

Tyrolean Airways staff angered by ÖGB


The Federal Trade Union (ÖGB) has been accused of “betrayal”. Dozens of Tyrolean Airways (Austrian Arrows) employees organised a demonstration outside the ÖGB’s Viennese headquarters yesterday (Tues) to make themselves heard. Works council officials complained that the ÖGB considered their firm as nothing but a pawn in the game as the feud between the executive […]

Lufthansa all-clear for AUA capital increase


Austrian Airlines (AUA) is set to receive fresh capital from Lufthansa while bosses up the pressure on the ailing carrier’s pilots. Lufthansa CEO Christoph Franz said yesterday (Thurs) that the Viennese airline – which was acquired by Lufthansa in September 2009 – would get 140 million Euros. He warned that the money would only be […]