Kampusch: FBI Dossier to Reveal Police Cover Up

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A secret FBI report into police cover-ups over the kidnapping of cellar prison victim Natascha Kampusch is due to be made public this month (April). Austrian justice officials were forced to call in neutral investigators from the US agency after Natatscha’s father Ludwig Koch accused local police of a cover up because of political interference. […]

Cellar Girl: Kampusch Dad Launches Book Naming Second Kidnapper

General News

The father of girl in the cellar Natascha Kampusch – locked in an underground dungeon and raped for for eight-and-a-half years – has written a book accusing her kidnapper’s best friend of being his accomplice. Natascha Kampusch was 10 years old when she was snatched off the streets of Vienna and bundled into a van […]

‘Resident Evil’ producer to shoot Kampusch movie

General News

A famed German film producer is to bring the story of Natascha Kampusch to the big screen, it was announced yesterday (Thurs).Bernd Eichinger – who masterminded blockbusters such as “The Neverending Story”, “Resident Evil” and “Fantastic Four” – said he will team up with German journalist Peter Reichard whose TV documentary on Kampusch’s life in […]