Boars plague Vienna’s rich

General News

Residents of a posh district in Vienna are up in arms over wild boars invading their homes. The animals have been scouring the back gardens of houses in Döbling for months. Now local Social Democrats (SPÖ), People’s Party (ÖVP) officials and representatives of the Döbling branch of the Freedom Party (FPÖ) decided to show unusual […]

Murder and attempted suicide suspicion in Vienna

General News

An elderly Viennese man is accused of killing his wife.The 86-year-old resident of the district of Döbling was hospitalised with a gunshot wound to his head yesterday afternoon (Sun). Investigators assume that the pensioner – who is understood to be in a serious condition – tried to commit suicide after shooting his wife. The 90-year-old […]

Teen impaled trying to climb over iron gate

General News

A Viennese teenager was seriously injured when he got stuck on a driveway gate as he tried to climb over it on Saturday night.Alexander P., 18, was on his was home from a party in the city’s Döbling district when he attempted to enter the private property by climbing over the gate for unclear reasons. […]