Danube damm damaged

General News

Geologist and engineers have been in action in Upper-Austria this morning (Tuesday) after the floods caused the first damages to the Danube-bridge on Monday. Experts are working tirelessly to secure the site and thousands of sand bags have been placed as a protective measure. However, the regional fire brigade commandant Wolfgang Kronsteiner said the Danube […]

Unemployed support thunderstorm-hit area

General News

More than two dozen high-skilled jobless Styrians joined natural disaster support groups after a devastating thunderstorm caused havoc at the weekend. Labour Market Service (AMS) officials in the district of Murau announced today (Tues) that 30 people registered as out of work immediately stepped forward to assist clearing streets from mud in Oberwölz and other […]

Kid stuck in gate

General News

Fire fighters freed a boy who got trapped in an iron gate with his head, it was reported today (Weds).A woman called the local fire brigade for help after spotting how six-year-old Leon could not get back or forth in Wels, Upper Austria, on Monday evening. The kid got away unscathed after firemen freed him […]

Piggy escape foiled as lorry overturns

General News

Styrian fire-fighters chased more than a dozen pigs which escaped a lorry on their way to the slaughterhouse this morning (Thurs).Thomas Meier, a spokesman for the Fehring fire brigade, said dozens of firemen were kept busy for several hours.”Catching them was difficult since they ran into all directions as the truck they were in overturned […]