Poisoned eagle is recovering

Green Austria

An eagle is currently being treated in the bird of prey park Telfes, Tyrol (Western Austria). The animal ate the carcass of a dead animal that was shot with lead ammunition. The eagle is likely to survive the contamination. Since the end of April, the nursing ward of the park has had a special patient: […]

Austria ‘shipped arms to Syria’


Austria supplied Syria with armoured vehicles in 2006, according to an investigation by Amnesty International (AI). The group announced yesterday (Weds) Austrian firms delivered vehicles of such kind worth two million Euros to the Arabian country that year. AI added the same type of vehicles were shipped from Austria to Yemen in 2006. AI criticised […]

Eviction exposes arsenal

General News

Policemen have discovered 12 handguns while supervising an elderly man’s eviction.Officials in Tyrol announced today (Tues) the weapons were scattered on the floor of the 74-year-old man’s house in a town in the province’s Ziller Valley.Officers, who also confiscated around 2,000 ammunition and three silencers, are currently trying to find out whether the man had […]

Four arrests over cocaine ‘side dishes’

General News

Four people accused of selling cocaine at a posh Viennese eatery have been arrested.Police in the federal capital announced today (Thurs) that restaurant boss Werner D. had admitted having flogged 1.2 kilograms of the drug to regular customers over the past two years.The 66-year-old as well as three alleged accomplices were taken into custody yesterday […]