Duo checking leaky roof injured in three-metre plunge

General News

Two people were hospitalised after falling from a roof this morning (Fri).Police in St. Georgen near Vöcklabruck in Upper Austria said a 32-year-old woman and a 47-year-old male acquaintance had climbed up on the roof to examine a leaky spot.The woman was dragged down by the man after he lost his balance and slid down […]

Sleepwalker seriously injured in second-storey fall

General News

A young man suffered several broken bones when he fell out of a second-floor window last night (Thurs/Fri).Roland P. opened the balcony door in the family home in Zwettl, Lower Austria, before falling over the handrail, police said today.The 21-year-old, who had never sleepwalked before, was found by his girlfriend who started looking for him […]

Kicking cow hospitalises farmer

General News

An elderly farmer suffered a fractured lower leg as a cow kicked her during milking this morning (Mon).The woman, 64, from Gradnitz in Lower Austria was transferred to a clinic in Zwettl after her husband and son heard her screams while working in the kitchen.It was the latest in a series of incidents involving farm […]

Zwettl brewery reveals €5mn investment strategy


Brewing company Privatbrauerei Zwettl announced plans to invest five million Euros in its facilities this year to match the growing demand for its products.Firm chief Karl Schwarz said today (Fri): “The year 2010 will be a year of investments for us. We’ll spend an overall five millions on the company’s infrastructure.”Schwarz – fifth generation head […]