Austrian women earning over fifth less than men

Green Austria

Austrian women are earning on average 23.4 percent less than men in the country, according to Statistik Austria. Many women in Austria only have part time jobs but often also bear responsibility for unpaid jobs such as childcare and domestic housework. “This is very traditional in Austria – that women do unpaid jobs and men […]

Builders feel the competition from abroad

General News

Austrian builders are starting to feel the pressure of competition from abroad. Since the opening of the domestic market to firms from EU countries more and more foreign firms are setting up business in Austria. Spokeswoman for the builders Maria Epple said: “It is not just the lower wage costs but also the fact that […]

Metal industry labour dispute settled


Around 165,000 Austrian metal industry workers will earn 4.2 per cent more from next month. Unionists and company representatives agreed about stronger increases of low salaries and one-off payments to employees of the sector in a 14-hour discussion at the headquarters of the Federal Economy Chamber (WKO) in Vienna which ended at 4am this morning […]