Tanning shops ignore under-18s ban


Many tanning salons ignore the law and let minors use their facilities, a new undercover investigation has shown.The Association for Consumer Information (VKI) said today (Thurs) six out of 15 tested solariums in Vienna did not hesitate to let under-aged people on their sun beds.The organisation revealed one shop instantly offered a special rate to […]

Serial robber collared

General News

Police in Vienna have caught a criminal who threatened staff with a knife and a pepper spray in three robberies.Investigations into the recent series of robberies at a tanning salon, a sex video shop and a tobacconist’s in the district of Leopoldstadt led to drug addict Olaf K. The 23-year-old was put in custody yesterday […]

New law bans Under-18s from solariums


Austrian teenagers are banned from tanning shops as of today (Weds) amid skin cancer fears.The law preventing Under-18s from using tanning salons in the country was agreed upon by all five parties represented in the Austrian parliament last year.The government stressed managers of solariums, hotel bosses and other businessmen face fines of up to 2,180 […]