Viennese coffee houses to display UNESCO logos

Culinary Guide

Vienna’s world-famous coffee house culture was added to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list in 2011. And now a list is being drawn up to decide which coffeehouses will be entitled to display the coveted logo. The first batch of Viennese cafés are set to put their logos up in November 2013, showing the rest […]

Jasmin Ouschan opens billiard training camp


Austria’s world champion ballplayer Jasmin Ouschan has helped fund an international billiard centre in her homeland. The 26-year-old who has almost superstar status for her skills in America and Asia but is less well-known in her ski loving homeland said that she hoped to make the sport more attractive to her Austrian countrymen. She started […]

Waitress fined for juice / detergent mix-up

General News

A 56-year-old waitress who served dish detergent to a child who had ordered apple juice has been fined.The woman, who works at an eatery in the Tyrolean town of Axams, pleaded guilty in an Innsbruck court yesterday (Tue). But in her defence she pointed out that the September day on which the tragic mix-up occurred […]