Easter delicacies under scrutiny


Food hygiene inspectors across Austria are swarming out to take a closer look at Easter market offerings.Officials said today (Thurs) checks on stalls at popular markets will especially focus on the quality of products like ham and egg.Businesspeople are currently offering souvenirs and food at hundreds of Easter-themed markets in all nine provinces of Austria.News […]

Many women buy Valentine’s Day gifts, study shows


More than four out of 10 Austrian women will surprise their partners with presents on Valentine’s Day, according to a poll.The Federal Economy Chamber’s (WKO) Viennese branch (WKW) found that not just men buy gifts for their partners on 14 February. Its study shows that 42 per cent of women plan to spend money on […]

One in five want extended shopping hours


Almost 20 per cent of Austrians want shops to adopt longer business hours, it has been reported.A survey conducted by Viennese agency Karmasin for magazine Regal shows that 19 per cent of Austrians want a change of federal trade laws so stores are allowed to open longer than the current maximum 72 hours per week.Especially […]

‘Scary’ Saint Nicolas banned

General News

A kindergarten in Vienna has decided to shut the door on Nikolaus.Michaela Müller-Wenzel of the the Kinderfreunde kindergarten in Favoriten district said today (Thurs) that they had agreed that Saint Nicolas will only wander through its garden while the children wave to him from inside.Speaking to Viennese daily Heute, Müller-Wenzel said she and her colleagues […]

Vienna retail trade hopes for €350mn Xmas turnover


Businesses in Vienna expect significantly more than 300 million Euros of turnover this Christmas, according to research.Brigitte Jank, head of the Viennese Economy Chamber (WKW), said today (Thurs): “We are convinced to do well this Christmas.”Jank explained the city’s economy expected to make a turnover of 350 million Euros selling gifts ahead the upcoming festive […]