Post clerk admits thefts

General News

A post office employee has admitted stealing shipments containing valuables for many years.The 44-year-old woman confessed her wrongdoings when she was questioned by police investigating a number of cases in which letters and parcels containing money and jewellery disappeared.The suspect – who has been suspended – worked at a post office in Fohnsdorf, Styria. She […]

Post – police work switch flops as many fail grammar test

General News

Nearly half of all post office clerks applying to work for the police as part of a special labour exchange programme failed basic grammar and spelling tests, it has been announced.The federal interior ministry said today (Thurs) that 759 employees of state-owned postal services provider Post AG and mobile communication services firm Telekom Austria (TA) […]

How to Create a Pumpkin Surprise


With Halloween becoming ever more popular in Austria it was only natural that the wildlife should also be allowed to get in on the act.And although there might have been a slight paws for thought when first added to the cage – a quick look at their contents shows these pumpkins are more treat than […]

Postman caught hoarding more than 1,000 letters

General News

A postman has quit after more than 1,000 letters were found in his car.The 21-year-old told bosses he had “lost the overview” after the undelivered mail was discovered by police during a random traffic check in Linz, Upper Austria, yesterday (Weds).Officials said some of the letters the man had been hoarding in his vehicle had […]

Anger as Post AG reveals closure details


Workers’ union officials are expected to turn their guns on Post AG bosses as details of the firm’s controversial austerity plans have emerged.The company – in which the Republic of Austria has a 52.8 per cent stake through state holding company ÖIAG – announced today (Weds) where it planned to shut down post offices.Post AG […]

Brit skier dies in Tyrol

General News

A 50-year-old British holidaymaker died while skiing with friends in the Tyrolean Alps, police said today (Fri).Officials in Sölden said the man may have skied into a fence post at the bottom of a “red piste” in the glacier resort on Wednesday.The victim – identified by authorities as Stuart M. from Kent – was skiing […]