Mass picnic to protest against ban on sitting on the lawns

Green Austria

Visitors of the Augarten park in Vienna were driven off green areas as the Federal Parks and Gardens Authority have started to control the observance of park rules. This has caused a debate. A spontaneous “protest picnic” was organised yesterday (Thurs) at 5 p.m. Park visitors had complained in social media networks that they had […]

Puzzlement at Vienna parks ban on skiing


Residents in the Austrian capital Vienna woke up this week to discover that skiing had been banned in the city’s parks. Although many of the Viennese parks such as the Volksgarten and Burggarten are relatively flat the signs have nevertheless been erected with park officials explaining that it was a cost-cutting measure. Spokesman for the […]

Burgenland gets a new visitor attraction


A spectacular panorama viewing platform the so-called Jubiläumswarte at the Gloriette in Eisenstadt in Burgenland was opened officially at the weekend. The new platform was built because the old one was no longer serviceable and needed to be replaced. The new 16-meter-high construction was put up in record time and is made entirely of wood, […]

Power cut affects 4,000 Tyrolean homes

General News

Thousands of homes and offices in Tyrol were without electricity for more than half an hour this morning (Tues). A short circuit – which happened during work on a transformer station near Innsbruck – left around 4,000 households without energy between 9.47am and 10.20am, electricity provider Tiwag explained. Customers were locked in shops as automatic […]

Vienna duo damage parked cars

General News

Two young men were arrested for causing damage to more than a dozen cars.The residents of Vienna, aged 21 and 23, were caught by police in the capital’s Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus district on Wednesday night thanks to information from witnesses. The duo scratched the paint of 19 cars and ripped off the wing mirrors from some of […]