Workers discover WWII bomb

General News

Explosives experts of the Federal Crime Office (BK) were called after employees found a bomb at a company estate in Vienna. The discovery was made in Vienna’s Donaustadt district yesterday afternoon (Mon), police said today. Officials remained tight-lipped over whether the object – identified as a World War Two (WWII) aerial bomb – could have […]

Boy hit by 250-kilo slab

General News

An eight-year-old boy is fighting for his life after he was hit by a heavy marble plate yesterday (Thurs).Nikola Vasic suffered serious injuries when the 250-kilo object fell on his head in the hallway of a housing estate in Vienna-Simmering.Police said they are investigating over negligent bodily harm since the panel was just resting against […]

Romanian harmed in Red Bull flying contest

General News

A Romanian woman broke her back in a freak accident at the Red Bull Flugtag competition in Bucharest yesterday (Sun).The 26-year-old was part of a team who made a piano-like flying machine which was pushed off a six-metre drop above the Dambovita River running through the Romanian capital.Her back was fractured after the object failed […]