Chocolate truck nicked

General News

A lorry transporting chocolate worth more than 100,000 Euros was tracked down in Germany after being stolen in the Austrian province of Tyrol.The truck was discovered by police just across the Austrian-German border yesterday evening (Mon). None of its cargo – 21 tons of fine chocolate worth 125,000 Euros – were missing.The vehicle disappeared from […]

German woman abandons drunk hubby at Upper Austrian rest stop

General News

A German woman abandoned her drunk husband as they travelled to Slovakia yesterday (Sun).Officials in Seewalchen, Upper Austria, said today the woman had dumped her husband at a motorway rest stop after he tried wrestling the steering wheel from her.Customers at the Seewalchen rest stop restaurant called police after the man told them his wife […]

Upper Austrian drink driver hits wheelchair pilgrim

General News

A wheelchair-bound writer on a pilgrimage from Belgium to Israel was hit by a drink driver in Upper Austria on Wednesday, it was announced yesterday (Thurs).The Italian-born handicapped woman was driving along the B137 main road near Grieskirchen when a drunk Austrian ploughed into her vehicle.The paraplegic woman and her dog – who has been […]

Vienna Philharmonic on board for Baltic Sea cruise


The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra is taking some of the world’s best classical music artists on a cruise tour this summer.Orchestra head Clemens Hellsberg said he had decided to set up the journey after the first trip two years ago was a massive hit with fans of classical music.Conductors Valery Gergiev and Christian Thielemann, pianist Rudolf […]