Rare Bald Ibis Makes Microlight Flight To Italy

General News

The project to introduce an extinct bird back to Europe is hailing success after successfully negotiating a new route over the Alps and training 14 Northern Bald Ibises how to fly south to winter feeding grounds in southern Tuscany. The project led by Johannes Fritz involved inprinting the baby birds by persuading them that human […]

Ibis Jane Goodall is first home in 400 years

Green Austria

A rare wild Ibis named after British conservationist Jane Goodall has become the first member of the critically endangered bird species to fly over the Alps to the breeding grounds of northern Europe in 400 years ago. The rare Northern Bald Ibis lived in Europe for 1.8 million years before they were wiped out by […]

Italian suffers fatal fall from high seat

General News

An elderly Italian died after falling off a raised hide in a forest near Sellrain in Tyrol on Monday.Officials said today (Weds) the 59-year-old landed in a riverbed after plunging from the icy ladder after handing a rucksack to his pal, 53, who already sat down at the roofed high seat.The man broke his neck […]

Body found in Styrian forest

General News

Hunters have discovered a putrid corpse in woodlands in Styria, it has emerged.Police in the province announced today (Mon) that a group of hunters found the possibly male body under branches in a forest near Bärnbach.An autopsy set to take place later this week should reveal the dead person’s identity and the reason of his […]