Childrens Understanding Of Alternative Courses Of Events – A Study


The capacity to think about how the present would be if an event in the past had taken a different course is referred to by experts as counter-factual reasoning. A research project funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF plans to examine how this kind of thinking develops, and identifies what distinguishes counter-factual reasoning from […]

Roadworks season starts

General News

Roadwork season gets underway now in Austria. Over the winter work on the roads stops because of the extreme cold that make it impossible to carry out repairs or new building. Concrete and tarmac for example can only be laid at certain temperatures. But the Austrians make up for that in spring and summer with […]

Sat-nav operation leads to stolen cars

General News

Two Austrians have been reunited with their Mercedes limousines after experts located the stolen cars in the Czech Republic.Motorists association ÖAMTC said today (Weds) it informed Interpol after tracking down the expensive vehicles which were stolen in Vienna on Monday.Czech police, who confiscated the S-Class motors in capital Prague, have started investigating the crime in […]