Minister wants rethink over GM foods after rat death study


Austria’s minister for agriculture and the environment has called on the European Commission to review its approval process for genetically modified (GM) food after a controversial French study linked a kind of GM corn to higher health risks in rats. French scientists said that rats fed on Monsanto’s GM corn or exposed to its top-selling […]

Emissions to rise as lorry traffic volume soars


Austria is moving further away from meeting agreed greenhouse gas emission limits as lorry traffic is on the rise.New figures presented by the Austrian Traffic Club (VCÖ) today (Thurs) show that the volume of lorry traffic on Austria’s busiest motorways increased year on year in 2010.The organisation, which examined road authority Asfinag’s annual data, said […]

Dead cow had BSE, test shows

General News

Austria has been hit by the eighth case of mad-cow disease (BSE) this year.The federal health ministry announced today (Fri) post mortem tests have shown that a 15-year-old cow which died of old age on a farm in the Lower Austrian district of Wiener Neustadt had the disease.The ministry, headed by Social Democrat (SPÖ) Alois […]

‘TECH FORCE 2010’ conference in Vienna next week


Opinion leaders and business chiefs from all over the world will take part in an international conference on technologies of the future in Vienna next week.The Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO) announced British bestselling author Ray Hammond as well as members of leading think tanks and company bosses are set to speak at “TECH FORCE 2010” […]

OMV Petrom 2009 profit up


OMV’s Romanian subsidiary Petrom yesterday (Thurs) reported a net profit of 334 million Euros in 2009.That was up by 34 per cent from its net profit of 248 billion Euros in 2008.Petrom, Romania’s largest oil company, had turnover of 3.13 billion Euros in 2009, down by 23 per cent from 4.08 billion Euros the previous […]