Trying Dutchman wants share of inheritence

General News

An adopted Dutchman who flew to Austria to track down his real parents has launched a multi-million pound inheritance claim after discovering his real father was an Austrian property magnate. Ronald Nyman, 42, had been born illegitimately in 1970 in Feldkirch, Austria, and was handed over to a local monastery and then given up for […]

Dutchman chaces inheritance in Austria

General News

An adopted Dutchman who flew to Austria to track down his real parents has launched a multi-million pound inheritance claim after discovering his real father was a wealthy local businessmen. Under Austrian law, children are guaranteed a share of their parents wealth and it isn’t possible to disinherit them. Ronald Nijman, 42, had been born […]

Body without legs was missing Serb

General News

A Serbian man living in Vienna who waited home for washing machine repair man to turn up has been discovered dead and without his legs in a woodland. The man’s body was found on Thursday near Gablitz and over the weekend he was identified as 57-year-old Serb Marinkovic Milenko. He vanished shortly after dropping off […]

Demi and Ashton ‘to come to Austria’


Demi Moore and Asthon Kutcher will come to Austria to attend a charity gala for their anti-child slavery foundation, it has been reported.Showbiz media claim today (Thurs) that the Hollywood couple will come to Pasching near Linz, Upper Austria, to take part in the 29 October event at the townÂ’s PlusCity shopping centre. The mall […]