Crushed fizzy drink can causes car crash

General News

A teenage learner driver caused a head-on collision when he got distracted by the sizzling sound of a can of fizzy lemonade in the back of the car.The driver of the oncoming car the 17-year-old ploughed into during his driving lesson in Sierning, Upper Austria, suffered serious injuries in the accident. Fire-fighters had to use […]

Teen impaled trying to climb over iron gate

General News

A Viennese teenager was seriously injured when he got stuck on a driveway gate as he tried to climb over it on Saturday night.Alexander P., 18, was on his was home from a party in the city’s Döbling district when he attempted to enter the private property by climbing over the gate for unclear reasons. […]

Teen stuck in basketball hoop

General News

Firemen freed a Viennese teenager after he got stuck in a basketball hoop yesterday (Weds).The 12-year-old tried to climb through the steel chain hoop at a playground in Vienna-Leopoldstadt as part of a test of courage among pals.The teen’s friends called fire-fighters after he got entangled with his upper body. Firemen used bolt cutters to […]