Labour minister dismisses pension age rise call


Social Democratic (SPÖ) Labour Minister Rudolf Hundstorfer has strongly challenged pension age appeals by European Union (EU) Commissioner László Andor.Hungarian economist Andor – the EU’s Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion – said yesterday (Weds) EU member states must increase the age their citizens retired to avoid a breakdown of the social system.Think tanks […]

Iconic psychiatrist Stephan Rudas dies of cancer

General News

Legendary psychiatrist Stephan Rudas has died of cancer at the age of 66 on Saturday, it was reported today (Mon).Budapest-born Rudas who died at the weekend was one of the most respected specialists in psychic diseases. The father-of-two developed a country-wide system of treatment opportunities for people with mental disorders.His daughter Laura is general secretary […]

Austria shamed by EU-wide pension age list


Austria has made the top three in a humiliating European Union (EU) retirement age ranking.The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) figures presented today (Weds) reveal that Belgium and France were the only other EU member states with a comparably low average pensioning age as Austria where men retire on average at 59 and […]

BZÖ wants ÖBB privatisation


Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) boss Josef Bucher has suggested to privatise parts of indebted Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) to help the company to recover.The head of the opposition party said today (Thurs) the government should list some departments of the struggling firm, which is close to the state, on the stock market. […]

Croat scientist warns Austria ice age could start in five years


A top scientist in Croatia has warned Austria to prepare for an ice age instead of talking about global warming, online newspaper Croatian Times reported today (Weds).Physician Vladimir Paar suggests one would not need to cross the sea when travelling from Ireland or the UK to Croatia via the rest of Europe.”A majority of Europe […]